Saturday, 21 September 2019

Comparator using Op-Amp ( in Gujarati ) Practical Demonstration

Comparator using Op-Amp ( in Gujarati ) Practical Demonstration


Hello All This is the project done by Diploma ICT SEM 3 Students: Meghnaba Jadeja and Khushi Pithadiya Thay has implemented the project on BreadBoard. They have done and submitted this project under ADCD Subject. 

3 - Bit Binary UP Counter using J-K Flip Flop ( Practical Implementation)

3 - Bit Binary UP Counter using J-K Flip Flop


Here this experiment is done by Diploma 3rd Sem ICT Students. Students Name: Dhanrajsinh Parmar and Devang Gohil They have implemented under the subject of ADCD. 

Active High Pass Filter ( in Gujarati ) Practical Implementation

Active High Pass Filter ( in Gujarati ) Practical Implementation


Hello All This is the project done by Diploma ICT SEM 3 Students: Zuber Lakhani and Nishit Dudakiya Thay has implemented the project on BreadBoard. They have done and submitted this project under ADCD Subject 

Friday, 20 September 2019

Integrator using Op-Amp ( in Gujarati ) Practical Implementation

Integrator using Op-Amp ( in Gujarati ) Practical Implementation


Here this experiment is done by Diploma 3rd Sem ICT Students. Students Name: Mayur Pithadiya and Vasu Savjani They have implemented under the subject of ADCD.


555 Bistable Multivibrator Practical ( in Gujarati )

555 Bistable Multivibrator Practical 

( in Gujarati )

 Here this experiment is done by Diploma 3rd Sem ICT Students. Students Name: Madhvani Bhagirath and Ruturaj Parmar They have implemented under the subject of ADCD. 

LAB 7 Arduino with Seven Segment Display || Arduino Tutorial || Code and Circuit Diagram || Project

  LAB 7 Arduino with Seven Segment Display || Arduino Tutorial || Code and Circuit Diagram || Project Dear All We will learn how to Connec...